Answers for "order by then group by"


mysqli query order by before group by

//it is very difficult to find a query that uses Order By before Group By
//so, below is the query when you want to first order the results in Asc (min) or Desc (max) order, and then Group by
$raw_query = 'SELECT p1.* FROM table1 p1
         INNER JOIN ( SELECT max(firstValue) MaxAnyId, secondValue
                            FROM table1
                            WHERE user_id=162
                               AND status_id=70
                            GROUP BY secondValue
                        ) p2
                          ON p1.secondValue = p2.secondValue
                          AND p1.firstValue = p2.MaxLogId
                        WHERE p1.user_id=162
                          AND p1.status_id=70
                        order by p1.firstValue desc';
//for Laravel ->                        
$q = DB::select($raw_query);
Posted by: Guest on November-02-2020

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