sql server stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeCountByGender @Gender nvarchar(20), @EmployeeCount int Output AS BEGIN SELECT @EmployeeCount = COUNT(Id) FROM tblEmployee WHERE Gender = @Gender END
sql server stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeCountByGender @Gender nvarchar(20), @EmployeeCount int Output AS BEGIN SELECT @EmployeeCount = COUNT(Id) FROM tblEmployee WHERE Gender = @Gender END
Explain the Stored Procedure
Stored Procedure : A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it. You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure, so that the stored procedure can act based on the parameter value(s) that is passed.
what is procedure in sql
-Stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that has been created and stored in the database. -A stored procedure will accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. -A stored procedures will reduce network traffic and increase the performance. If we modify a stored procedure all the clients will get the updated stored procedure. Sample of creating a stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE test_display AS SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM tb_test EXEC test_display
sql procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_scheme.my_procedure(param1 IN VARCHAR2) IS cnumber NUMBER; BEGIN cnumber := 10; INSERT INTO my_table (num_field) VALUES (param1 + cnumber); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001, 'An error was encountered - ' || sqlcode || ' -ERROR- ' || sqlerrm); END;
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