Answers for "join a union"


difference between join vs union

JOIN combines the ROWs, we will have longer rows at the end. 
We are joining the rows from two or more related tables.

UNION combines the COLUMNs, we will have longer columns at the end.
UNION combine two different query.
We are joining the columns from two or more related tables.
Can be non related tables but queries must select same column names
with same data type.
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

join vs union

JOIN combines the ROWs, we will have longer rows at the end. 
We are joining the rows from two or more related tables.

UNION combines the COLUMNs, we will have longer columns at the end.
UNION combine two different query.
We are joining the columns from two or more related tables.
Can be non related tables but queries must select same
column names with same data type.
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

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