excelvba repeat given string n times
'Fast VBA function to repeat a given string n times:
Function Repeat$(ByVal n&, s$)
Dim r&
r = Len(s)
If n < 1 Then Exit Function
If r = 0 Then Exit Function
If r = 1 Then Repeat = String$(n, s): Exit Function
Repeat = Space$(n * r)
Mid$(Repeat, 1) = s: If n > 1 Then Mid$(Repeat, r + 1) = Repeat
End Function
MsgBox Repeat(5, "Ab") <--displays: AbAbAbAbAb
'Here is a terse snippet for inline repeats, but the longer
'Repeat() function above is 10 times faster:
MsgBox Replace(Space(5), " ", "Ab") <--displays: AbAbAbAbAb