Answers for "install custom SSL on webmin"


install custom SSL on webmin

1. download a commpressed .zip archive from your SSL provider (I buy it from GlobalSign).
2. unzip it on your local computer
3. you will need file called:
	> yourdomain_com.crt
	> yourdomain_com.key
	> yourdomain_com.ca_bundle (I using intermediate.cer, because i dont have .ca file)
4. login to your website webmin panel
5. click "others" menu >> click "upload to server" submenu >> then select the files to upload >> specify the path to store them >> finally click "save"
6. click "Servers" menu >> click "Apache Webserver" submenu >> go to "Global configuration" tab >> click "Configure Apache Modules" icon >> find the "ssl" entry, check the box on the left >> finally press the "Enable Selected Modules" button
7. click "Servers" menu >> click "Apache Webserver" submenu >> go to "Existing virtual hosts" tab >> click on the "globe" button next to the virtual host that using 443 port
8. find and click "SSL Options" icon in Virtual Server Options
9. Adjust the SSL options in the following way:
	> Enable SSL? – select Yes
	> SSL protocols – make sure to uncheck SSLv2 and SSLv3 as these protocols are considered to be unsecure
	> Certificate/private key file – the path to the uploaded yourdomain_com.crt file
    > private key file – the path to the uploaded yourdomain_com.key file
	> Certificate authorities file – the path to the uploaded file (I using intermediate.cer).
    > Client SSL certificate - Not required
	> Press the "Save" button to update the SSL settings
10. click "System" menu >> click "Bootup and Shutdown" submenu >> find the "apache2" service >> and check the corresponding checkbox on the left >> scroll down to the very bottom and press the "Restart" button

After the successful Apache restart you can check the SSL certificate installation.
Posted by: Guest on August-07-2021

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