rename heroku app
$ heroku apps:rename newname
Renaming oldname to newname... done | [email protected]:newname.git
Git remote heroku updated
rename heroku app
$ heroku apps:rename newname
Renaming oldname to newname... done | [email protected]:newname.git
Git remote heroku updated
heroku rename
heroku apps:remane --app <old-project-name> <new-project-name>
rename heroku app local
First update the name for the heroku app on the heroku dashboard (on the heroku website)
Then do this on terminal (Make sure you're in the right repository)
$ git remote rm heroku (Remove the remote from git)
$ heroku git:remote -a <new app name> (Add it back with it's new name)
renaming heroku app
$ git remote rm heroku
$ heroku git:remote -a newname
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