fivem color list
^0 = White (#F0F0F0)
^1 = Red (#F44336)
^2 = Green (#4CAF50)
^3 = Yellow (#FFEB3B)
^4 = Blue (#42A5F5)
^5 = Light Blue (#03A9F4)
^6 = Purple (#9C27B0)
^7 = White (#F0F0F0)
^8 = Orange (#FF5722)
^9 = Grey (#9E9E9E)
fivem color list
^0 = White (#F0F0F0)
^1 = Red (#F44336)
^2 = Green (#4CAF50)
^3 = Yellow (#FFEB3B)
^4 = Blue (#42A5F5)
^5 = Light Blue (#03A9F4)
^6 = Purple (#9C27B0)
^7 = White (#F0F0F0)
^8 = Orange (#FF5722)
^9 = Grey (#9E9E9E)
fivem color codes
(toggles color)
~r~ = Red
~b~ = Blue
~g~ = Green
~y~ = Yellow
~p~ = Purple
~c~ = Grey
~m~ = Dark Grey
~u~ = Black
~o~ = Orange
~n~ = New line
~s~ = Reset Color
~h~ = Bold text
For notification:
∑ = Rockstar Icon
÷ = Rockstar Icon
¦ = Rockstar Verified Icon
^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = CYAN
^6 = Pink
^7 = white
^8 is a color that changes depending what level you are on.
American maps = Dark Green
Russian maps = Dark red/marroon
British maps = Dark Blue
^9 = gray
^0= black
^c = Blandishbeige
Apr '17
^0 is based on the RGB of the message sent
TriggerClientEvent(‘chatMessage’, -1, tag … GetPlayerName(source), {0,0,0} , message) – Would be white
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