Answers for "what is payload"


what is payload

The “payload” is the data we are interested
in transporting. This is differentiated from
the things that wrap the data for transport 
like the HTTP/S Request/Response headers,
authentication, etc.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021


vThe “payload” is the data we are interested
in transporting. This is differentiated from
the things that wrap the data for transport 
like the HTTP/S Request/Response headers,
authentication, etc.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021

what is payload

The “payload” is the data we are interested
in transporting. This is differentiated from
the things that wrap the data for transport 
like the HTTP/S Request/Response headers,
authentication, etc.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021


vThe “payload” is the data we are interested
in transporting. This is differentiated from
the things that wrap the data for transport 
like the HTTP/S Request/Response headers,
authentication, etc.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021

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