Answers for "nasm hello world"


nasm hello world

; This code is for Microsoft Windows
; It does not work well in other OS

global _main
extern _MessageBoxA@16
extern _ExitProcess@4

section code use32 class=code
	push	dword 0 ; UINT uType = MB_OK
	push	dword title ; LPCSTR lpCaption
	push	dword banner ; LPCSTR lpText
	push	dword 0 ; HWND hWnd = NULL
	call	_MessageBoxA@16

	push	dword 0 ; UINT uExitCode
	call	_ExitProcess@4

section data use32 class=data
	banner:	db 'Hello, world!', 0
	title:	db 'Hello', 0
Posted by: Guest on February-17-2021

nasm assebly hello world

section .data
		getBanner db "Hello, World!", 0xa        ; String To Be Printed
        lenGetBanner equ $-getBanner             ; Get Length of String
section .text
		global _start
		; Display Banner
        mov edx, lenGetBanner                    ; Message Length
        mov ecx, getBanner                       ; Message to write
        mov ebx, 1                               ; File Descriptor (stdout)
        mov eax, 4                               ; Call Sys_Write
        int 80h                                  ; Call Kernel
Posted by: Guest on April-02-2020

nasm hello world

; Print "Hello, world" in console
global  _main
extern  _printf

section .data
message: db  'Hello, World', 10, 0
section .text
    push message
    call _printf
    add esp, 4
Posted by: Guest on February-17-2021

what is hello world

to learn a new conputer language you look at example code  
a very small computer program to write Hello, World! on your screen. 
is written using different programming languages.
it teaches you the basics 
so now ... use grepper to search "hello world <put a language here>"
												without the < > bits
Posted by: Guest on November-20-2020

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