create new project symfony
# run this if you are building a traditional web application $ symfony new my_project_name --full # run this if you are building a microservice, console application or API $ symfony new my_project_name
create new project symfony
# run this if you are building a traditional web application $ symfony new my_project_name --full # run this if you are building a microservice, console application or API $ symfony new my_project_name
create symfony 4 project
$ composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton:"^4.4" my_project_name
create symfony project
symfony new my_project_name --full
symfony project version
php bin/console about
create symfony project
/usr/bin/composer create-project symfony/skeleton /home/handwork/symfony #create symfony projet de base # un dossier cacher du meme nom du projet serai creer
symfony new project
# use the most recent LTS version $ symfony new my_project_name --version=lts # use the 'next' Symfony version to be released (still in development) $ symfony new my_project_name --version=next # you can also select an exact specific Symfony version $ symfony new my_project_name --version=4.4 # The --full option installs all the packages that you usually need to build web applications.
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