unity set image as background
Unity now has a simple way to do this, in Unity 2018.4+.
Follow these few steps to add texture as a camera background:
1. Create a new Canvas that would hold your image.
2. In that canvas, on Canvas component set:
- Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera.
- Render Camera to your main camera (drag&drop).
- Plane Distance are the units, at which the background would render.
3. Right-click on the newly created canvas and create an Image inside of it.
4. On the newly created image on Image component:
- Set Source Image to your desired background sprite.
5. Stretch your image to the full screen size. You can do this as follows: in
the Rect Transform of that image, there is a gray square in it with some
arrows, and lines (saying stretch on top and left side), click it, a window
with multiple squares would open, hold down the Alt and click the most
bottom-right square.
Now you should have a texture as camera background!