Answers for "variables"



1-GLOBAL variables allow you to access data
between collections, requests, test scripts,
and environments. Global variables are
available throughout a workspace.

2-COLLECTION Only accessible within the same collection and
can not be accessed anywhere else
COLLECTION variables are available throughout 
the requests in a collection and are independent
of environments, so do not change based on the selected environment.
I use collection variables when
I use single environment like url details.
We can refer to the variable by using {{}}(double curly brace)
and  it can be used anywhere

3-ENVIRONMENT Variable , a variable that accessible
only when the environment is active 

Usually used for an app with multiple environment ,
we can use env variable to store variable with same name
and different value to store environment specific data 

for example : 

xxxNamed app has 3 environments with different
URL and Crendentials 

But all endpoints are exactly the same no matter what
environment you work on 

so we can create 3 environment called 
QA1 , QA2 , QA3 and run same set of request 
by selecting different environment.

Only one environment can be active at a time.

4-LOCAL variables are temporary, and only
accessible in your request scripts. 
Local variable values are scoped to a 
single request or collection run, and are no longer
available when the run is complete.

5-DATA variables come from external CSV and JSON files
to define data sets you can use when running collections
via the Collection Runner.
Posted by: Guest on December-06-2020

php variables

/* In PHP, a variable starts with the $ sign, 
followed by the name of the variable:

$txt = "Hello world!";
$x = 5;
$y = 10.5;
Posted by: Guest on April-30-2020


yes = 5
Posted by: Guest on April-28-2021

variable javascript

//You can make a variable by using:
var variable-name = 'defenition of the variable';
// Or you can use
let variable-name = 'defenition of the variable';
Posted by: Guest on May-25-2020


var something = something;
Posted by: Guest on June-17-2020


// initialization of variables

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  int a=5;               // initial value: 5
  int b(3);              // initial value: 3
  int c{2};              // initial value: 2
  int result;            // initial value undetermined

  a = a + b;
  result = a - c;
  cout << result;

  return 0;
Posted by: Guest on June-05-2021

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