vs code installed extensions list command
code --list-extensions
vs code installed extensions list command
code --list-extensions
how to delete visual studios code extensions
//How To Delete all Visual Studios Code Extensions that you installed
//Open Terminal or Command Prompt, and enter one of this codes below to delete
//your extensions
// For Mac/Linux
rm -rf ~/.vscode/extensions
//For Windows
rmdir %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions /s
VS Extensions
Best extension for VS (by me)
1. Auto Close Tag -> Automatically add HTML/XML Close Tag ...
2. Auto Rename Tag -> Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag
3. Bootstrap 3 Snippets -> Bootstrap 3 Snippets for VS Code
4. Bootstrap 4 Snippets -> Bootstrap 4 Snippets for VS Code
5. GitLens (Eric Amodio) -> for log when, who commit, who push the code from git/SVN
6. Live Sass Compiler (Ritwick Dey) -> for compile Sass or Scss to Css at realtime with Live browser load
7. Live Server (Ritwick Dey) -> Launcher a development local server with live reload (frontend)
8. PHP Intelephense (Ben Mewburn) -> Php code intelligence for VS code
9. Code Spell Checker -> Spelling checker for source code
10. Setting Sync (Shan Khan) -> [VERY GOOD] Support you synchronize settings, Snippets, THemes, File Icons ...
vs code extensions
Here are the VSCode extensions we'll cover:
- Settings Sync
- Live Server
- Remote - SSH
- Prettier
- Bracket Pair Colorizer
- Auto Rename Tag
- GitLens
- Git History
- CSS Peek
- JavaScript Code Snippets
- Peacock
- Colorize
- Code Spell Checker
- Debugger for Chrome
- Icon Fonts
- Turbo Console Log
- TODO Highlight
- vscode-icons
- Regex Previewer
- Bookmarks
how to make a vs code extension
npm install -g yo generator-code
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