Answers for "select dropdown selenium"


python selenium select dropdown

from selenium import webdriver
from import Select

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('fruits01'))

# select by visible text

# select by value 
Posted by: Guest on April-14-2020

using selenium with a dropdown menu

driver.findElement("dropdownlistone")).click(); // To click on drop down list
driver.findElement(By.linkText("india")).click(); // To select a data from the drop down list
Posted by: Guest on April-09-2020

how to handle select dropdown in selenium

How do you handle Select type of dropdown?
    - If it is <select> we would have to use Select class from Selenium.
    - Methods to select from dropdown:
        - selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
--> How do we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
    - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
        -> return type: currently selected option as a web element
--> .getOptions();
    -> This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.
    -> return type: List<WebElement>
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

select dropdown selenium

How do you handle Select type of dropdown?
    - If it is <select> we would have to use Select class from Selenium.
    - Methods to select from dropdown:
        - selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
--> How do we verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
    - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
    we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
        -> return type: currently selected option as a web element
--> .getOptions();
    -> This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.
    -> return type: List<WebElement>
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

dropdown in selenium

it depends what kind of dropdown
There are 2 dropdowns 

we determine what kind of dropdown it is
 -By tagName.We inspect.If it has <select> tag, it means it is <select> dropdown. 
 -If it is HTML, we can locate and click just as any other web element.
 I handle Select type of dropdown by using Select class from Selenium. 
    - Methods to select from dropdown:
        - selectByVisibleText
        - selectByValue
        - selectByIndex 
I verify which option is selected in a dropdown?
 - If we want to get the currently selected option, 
 we use getFirstSelectedOption() method.
        -> return type: currently selected option as a web element
--> .getOptions();
    -> This method will return all of the options in the <select> web element.
    -> return type: List<WebElement>
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

dropdown in selenium

1-Select dropdowns:are created by using <select> tag in HTML
2-HTML dropdowns:these are the dropdowns that are created NOT USING <select>
These dropdowns are handled just like any other webElement. 
Select select = new Select(driver.findElement(LOCATOR));
1-selectByVisibleText(String arg); 
2-byIndex(int arg);
.getFirstSelectedOption() .getOptions(); 
Posted by: Guest on May-16-2021

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