Answers for "what is Http"


what are http methods

Get : enables you to retrieve data from server
Post: enables you to add data to an existing 
     file or resource in a server
Put: lets you replace an existing file or resource
     in a server
Delete: lets you delete data from server
Patch:For partial update
Posted by: Guest on January-14-2021

http response status codes

HTTP response status codes

HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed. 
Responses are grouped in five classes:

1. Informational responses (100–199)
2. Successful responses (200–299)
3. Redirects (300–399)
4. Client errors (400–499)
5. Server errors (500–599)

1. Information responses
    a. 100 Continue
    b. 101 Switching Protocol
    c. 102 Processing (WebDAV)
    d. 103 Early Hints

2. Successful responses
    a. 200 OK
    b. 201 Created
    c. 202 Accepted
    d. 203 Non-Authoritative Information
    e. 204 No Content
    f. 205 Reset Content
    g. 206 Partial Content
    h. 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV)
    i. 208 Already Reported (WebDAV)
    j. 226 IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)

3. Redirection messages
    a. 300 Multiple Choice
    b. 301 Moved Permanently
    c. 302 Found
    d. 303 See Other
    e. 304 Not Modified
    f. 305 Use Proxy
    g. 306 unused
    h. 307 Temporary Redirect
    i. 308 Permanent Redirect

4. Client error responses
    a. 400 Bad Request
    b. 401 Unauthorized
    c. 402 Payment Required 
    d. 403 Forbidden
    e. 404 Not Found
    f. 405 Method Not Allowed
    g. 406 Not Acceptable
    h. 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    i. 408 Request Timeout
    j. 409 Conflict
    k. 410 Gone
    l. 411 Length Required
    m. 412 Precondition Failed
    n. 413 Payload Too Large
    o. 414 URI Too Long
    p. 415 Unsupported Media Type
    q. 416 Range Not Satisfiable
    r. 417 Expectation Failed
    s. 418 I'm a teapot
    t. 421 Misdirected Request
    u. 425 Too Early 
    v. 426 Upgrade Required
    w. 428 Precondition Required
    x. 429 Too Many Requests
    y. 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
    z. 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

5. Server error responses
    a. 500 Internal Server Error
    b. 501 Not Implemented
    c. 502 Bad Gateway
    d. 503 Service Unavailable
    e. 504 Gateway Timeout
    f. 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
    g. 506 Variant Also Negotiates
    h. 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)
    i. 508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)
    j. 510 Not Extended
    k. 511 Network Authentication Required
Posted by: Guest on December-16-2020

HTTP Method

1. GET: getting data in the server. 
Usually we get 200 OK back for successful response. 
does not requires body
2. POST: adding data to the server defined by Content-Type Header. 
Common status code for successful POST is 
201 Created -- you will have response body 
3. PUT: Put is used to update the existing data from the server. 
204 means it was updated successfully
Difference between PUT and POST *POST is adding new data 
*PUT is updating existing data 
4. PATCH: Usually Used to partially update the resource 
5. DELETE: is used to delete the data from the server. 
204 means it was deleted successfully. does not requires body
6.HEAD: Used to just get the header from the response, not the body
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

what does http stand for

Hyper-text Transfer Protocol
Posted by: Guest on August-17-2020

what is Http

Http Stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol."
HTTP is the protocol used to transfer data over the web.
It is part of the Internet protocol suite and defines commands and services used
for transmitting webpage data. ... The HTTP server is typically a web host 
running web server software, such as Apache or IIS.
Posted by: Guest on May-29-2021

http and how it works

HTTP is a connectionless text based protocol.
Posted by: Guest on April-12-2020

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