Answers for "make the last tween infinite gsap"


make the last tween infinite gsap

    .fromTo(crc12, 2, { strokeDashoffset: 0 }, { strokeDashoffset: l, ease: Linear.easeNone }, "round1")
    .fromTo(sball2, 2, { rotation: 0 }, { rotation: -360, ease: Linear.easeNone }, "round1")
    .fromTo(crc12, 3, { strokeDashoffset: -l }, { strokeDashoffset: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone }, "round2")
    .to(sball2, 3, { rotation: -720, ease: Linear.easeNone }, "round2")
    .to(crc12, 0, { stroke: "white", ease: Linear.easeNone }, "round2")
    .to(sball2, 3, { rotation: -1080, ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1 })

add this  repeat: -1
Posted by: Guest on March-16-2021

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