1.Requirements analysis: Analyze user stories
2.Test Plan: is a document that prepare the test schedules,
identify testing tools
3. Test Case Creation: Test Case is a documentation,
identify the test data, test steps are written in Excel Sheet
Test Case in Excel (Test Case ID, Test Scenario, Test Steps,
Test Data, Expected Results, Actual Results, Pass/Fail)
4. Test Environment Setup: There are at least 4 environments
a. Dev Environment: Developers do Unit & Integration Testing,
b. QA/Testing Environment: QA Testers perform manual testing,
Functional testing, Smoke Testing, Back-End Testing
c. Staging Environment: QA perform Regression Testing,
UAT team perform UAT -Alpha Testing, Client UAT-Beta Testing
d. Production Environment: End-user use it, No-Testing is performed
5. Test Execution 6. Test Cycle Closure