Answers for "options http method"


http methods

Get : enables you to retrieve data from server
Post: enables you to add data to an existing 
     file or resource in a server
Put: lets you replace an existing file or resource
     in a server
Delete: lets you delete data from server
Patch:For partial update
Posted by: Guest on January-14-2021

http methods

			getting data in the server 


			adding data to the server 

			we need to provide the data in the format 
			the document specify
			and tell exactly what type if data we are sending
			defined by Content-Type Header 

			Common status code for successful POST is 
				201 Created -- you will have response body 

		 	Put is used to update the exsisting data from the server 
		 	difference between PUT and POST 
		 	 POST is adding new data 
		 	 	so the URL will be /api/spartans
		 	 PUT is updating existing data 
		 	 	so the URL will be /api/spartan/validIDNumberHere

		 	 provide updated data 
		 	 provide the contenttype of the data you are sending to update 

		 	 common status code for successful PUT request
		 	  is 204 NO-CONTENT , it has no response body 
		 	  204 means it was updated successfully 


		  	Delete method is used to delete the data from the server
		  	Request URL will  /api/spartan/theValidID

		  	common status code for successful Delete request
		 	  is 204 NO-CONTENT , it has no response body 
		 	  204 means it was deleted successfully
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

HTTP Method

1. GET: getting data in the server. 
Usually we get 200 OK back for successful response. 
does not requires body
2. POST: adding data to the server defined by Content-Type Header. 
Common status code for successful POST is 
201 Created -- you will have response body 
3. PUT: Put is used to update the existing data from the server. 
204 means it was updated successfully
Difference between PUT and POST *POST is adding new data 
*PUT is updating existing data 
4. PATCH: Usually Used to partially update the resource 
5. DELETE: is used to delete the data from the server. 
204 means it was deleted successfully. does not requires body
6.HEAD: Used to just get the header from the response, not the body
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

http request using http methods

var client = new http.Client(); 
try { 
   print(await client.get('')); 
finally { 
Posted by: Guest on June-23-2021

options http method

The OPTIONS Method lists down all the 
operations of a web service supports. 
It creates read-only requests to the server.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021

options method

The OPTIONS Method lists down all 
the operations of a web service supports. 
It creates read-only requests to the server.
Posted by: Guest on January-19-2021

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