Answers for "css"



Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript
Posted by: Guest on June-09-2021


Welcome to Hell
Posted by: Guest on December-13-2020


CSS is a code format which used for desining html
elements and more in html CSS looking like that
in the head element you need to start a style elment and create a new CSS design 
like so

#designname {

and from there its all about properties to make the 
design yours

then to apply the design on object you need to use the id
format like so:

<button id="designname">button content</button>
Posted by: Guest on February-04-2021


/* Answer to "css" */

  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for
  describing the presentation of a document written in a
  markup language like HTML.

  In other words, it's the style of the website.

  For example, the positioning of everything on a website or
  the colour, shape, size of a button. Every design on a
  website is most likely made using css.
Posted by: Guest on March-01-2020


CSS implies Cascading Style Sheet. In a webpage, the HTML codes
gives the structure or the data or the information  While CSS is used to make the
data designable , stylize , etc.  to  attract the traffic or the clients  in a 
website. There are many more programming languages used for the design.
The latest version of CSS is CSS3.
Posted by: Guest on September-10-2020


Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.

CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and
Posted by: Guest on August-10-2020


npm install normalize.css
Posted by: Guest on November-18-2020


Cascading Style Sheets
Posted by: Guest on October-09-2020


CSS has the rules that apply to selected elements on the page
a rule combines a selector with style properties
p { color:green; } unless overwritten 
by a more specific rule (specificity)
or a rule that comes after this one (precedence)
... all paragraphs on the page wil be green
there are 270 + properties ... color, position, height, width 
each can have different TYPES of values... 
color, rgb(), rgba(), #rgb/#rrggbb, #rgba/#rrggbbaa, hsl(), and hsla().
Silly built-in names like aliceblue as well. see:
size ... px(pixels), x%, em(blah blah blah... etc etc)

"selectors"		: p  #theId  .theClass
gettiing a selector to target exactly the element(s) you want is an art
which must take into account two things...
Precedence and Specificity.
Precedence is determined by when the rule is defined. The last rule wins.
Specificity is determined by how specificly the selector is defined
 a general selector would be all <p> Elements
 in the markup language of css, that would look like this...
div { color:red; }
a more SPECIFIC selector would look like this
div span { color: blue; } 
and target span elements inside div elements
<div> text outside the span is red <span> text inside is blue </span> </div>

Inline styles that are added directly to an element...
<p style="font-weight: bold;"> </p>
always overwrite any styles in external stylesheets, ie: highest specificity.

Style can also be added in the <head> portion of the page 
Style can be added by stylesheets... .css files.
Posted by: Guest on November-18-2020


<p>The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence:
at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth, and addressed
her in a languid, sleepy voice.</p>
Posted by: Guest on June-22-2021

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