get unadjusted stock data
from datetime import datetime
import json
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen
def gethistory(symbol, start=None, end=None):
# Return 3 tuples (quotes, dividends and splits) with data from start
# to end datetimes for the given symbol.
if start is None:
start = datetime(1980, 1, 1)
if end is None:
end =
url = '{}?{}'
qs = dict(
, period2=int(end.timestamp())
, interval='1d'
, indicators='quote'
, includeTimestamps='true'
, events='div|split'
with urlopen(url.format(symbol, urlencode(qs))) as rs:
result = json.load(rs)['chart']['result'][0]
# Data for quote fields (o, h, l, c, v) are stored in separate lists
# with indexes that correspond to a list of timestamps. Iterate over
# the timestamps list to map quote values, converting the timestamps to
# datetimes along the way.
quotes = result['indicators']['unadjquote'][0]
o = quotes['unadjopen']
h = quotes['unadjhigh']
l = quotes['unadjlow']
c = quotes['unadjclose']
quotes = result['indicators']['quote'][0]
v = quotes['volume']
quotes = tuple((
, o[t], h[t], l[t], c[t], v[t]
) for t, tm in enumerate(result['timestamp']))
# Remove duplicate dates
quotes = tuple(sorted(
dict((q[0], q) for q in quotes).values()
, key=lambda q: q[0]
# Both dividends and splits are stored under 'events' as objects with
# timestamps for keys.
dividends = ()
splits = ()
events = result.get('events')
if events:
e = events.get('dividends')
dividends = e and tuple((
, i.get('amount')
) for tm, i in e.items())
dividends = sorted(dividends, key=lambda d: d[0])
e = events.get('splits')
splits = e and tuple((
, i.get('denominator')
, i.get('numerator')
) for tm, i in e.items())
splits = sorted(splits, key=lambda s: s[0])
return quotes, dividends, splits