syllable counter algorithm
def countSyllables(word):
vowels = "aeiouy"
numVowels = 0
lastWasVowel = False
for wc in word:
foundVowel = False
for v in vowels:
if v == wc:
if not lastWasVowel: numVowels+=1 #don't count diphthongs
foundVowel = lastWasVowel = True
if not foundVowel: #If full cycle and no vowel found, set lastWasVowel to false
lastWasVowel = False
if len(word) > 2 and word[-2:] == "es": #Remove es - it's "usually" silent (?)
elif len(word) > 1 and word[-1:] == "e": #remove silent e
return numVowels