copy sheet revit api
public void CopySheet()
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
ViewSheet activeViewSheet = doc.ActiveView as ViewSheet;
if (activeViewSheet == null)
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Active view must be a sheet.");
Application app = this.Application;
Document otherDoc = app.Documents.Cast<Document>().Where(d => d.Title != doc.Title).FirstOrDefault();
if (otherDoc == null)
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "There must be a 2nd document open.");
// put the sheet in the source document into the copyIds collection
ICollection<ElementId> copyIds = new Collection<ElementId>();
// put view-specific elements on the sheet in the copyIdsViewSpecific collection
ICollection<ElementId> copyIdsViewSpecific = new Collection<ElementId>();
foreach (Element e in new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OwnedByView(doc.ActiveView.Id))
// do not put viewports into this collection because they cannot be copied
if (!(e is Viewport))
// Create a transaction in the source document to delete the viewports.
// This transaction will be rolled-back so it won't cause any permanent change in the document
// but it will enable copying of the sheet while it is in a state with no viewports
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc,"Delete Viewports"))
IList<Viewport> viewports = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(Viewport)).Cast<Viewport>()
.Where(q => q.SheetId == activeViewSheet.Id).ToList();
foreach (Viewport vp in viewports)
using (Transaction tOther = new Transaction(otherDoc, "Copy View Template"))
// copy the sheet using the CopyElements overload that accepts source and destination documents
// get the newly created sheet in the target document - it will be the first (and only) element returned by ElementTransformUtils.CopyElements
ViewSheet newSheet = otherDoc.GetElement(ElementTransformUtils.CopyElements(doc, copyIds, otherDoc, Transform.Identity, new CopyPasteOptions()).First()) as ViewSheet;
// copy the view-specific elements using the CopyElements overload that accepts source and destination views
ElementTransformUtils.CopyElements(activeViewSheet, copyIdsViewSpecific, newSheet, Transform.Identity, new CopyPasteOptions());
// rollback the transaction to "undo" the deletion of the viewports