How to unzip a file using the cmd?
echo unzi started
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop"
echo done
How to unzip a file using the cmd?
echo unzi started
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop"
echo done
how to use unzip.exe in cmd
You can use an external command line tool for unzipping your archive, see here( for example. Put it in your [Files] section:
Source: "UNZIP.EXE"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall
Then call it in your [Run] section, like this:
Filename: "{tmp}\UNZIP.EXE"; Parameters: "{tmp}\ZipFile.ZIP -d C:\TargetDir"
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