Answers for "How to determine the level of each node in the given tree?"


How to determine the level of each node in the given tree?

node                            level [node]   

              s (source node)               0  
              1                            1  
              2                            1  
              3                            2  
              4                            2  
              5                            2  
              6                            2  
              7                            3
Posted by: Guest on August-17-2021

How to determine the level of each node in the given tree?

void bfs (int start)
            deque <int > Q;     //Double-ended queue
            Q.push_back( start); 
            distance[ start ] = 0;       
            while( !Q.empty ())
                int v = Q.front( );
                for( int i = 0 ; i < edges[v].size(); i++)

/* if distance of neighbour of v from start node is greater than sum of distance of v from start node and edge weight between v and its neighbour (distance between v and its neighbour of v) ,then change it */  

                    if(distance[ edges[ v ][ i ].first ] > distance[ v ] + edges[ v ][ i ].second ) 

                    distance[ edges[ v ][ i ].first ] = distance[ v ] + edges[ v ][ i ].second;

                /*if edge weight between v and its neighbour is 0 then push it to front of
        double ended queue else push it to back*/

                    if(edges[ v ][ i ].second == 0)
                        Q.push_front( edges[ v ][ i ].first);
                            Q.push_back( edges[ v ][ i ].first);

Posted by: Guest on August-17-2021

How to determine the level of each node in the given tree?

vector <int> v[10] ;   //Vector for maintaining adjacency list explained above
    int level[10]; //To determine the level of each node
    bool vis[10]; //Mark the node if visited 
    void bfs(int s) {
        queue <int> q;
        level[ s ] = 0 ;  //Setting the level of the source node as 0
        vis[ s ] = true;
            int p = q.front();
            for(int i = 0;i < v[ p ].size() ; i++)
                if(vis[ v[ p ][ i ] ] == false)
            //Setting the level of each node with an increment in the level of parent node
                    level[ v[ p ][ i ] ] = level[ p ]+1;                 
                     q.push(v[ p ][ i ]);
                     vis[ v[ p ][ i ] ] = true;
Posted by: Guest on April-27-2021

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