Answers for "scalability testing"


what is scalability testing

Scalability testing is testing performed 
in order to enhanced and improve the 
functional and performance capabilities of
the application. So that, application
can meets requirements of the end users.
• The scalability measurements is done 
by doing the evaluating the application
performance in load and stress conditions.
Now depending upon this evaluation, we 
improve and enhanced the capabilities of the application.
Posted by: Guest on January-28-2021

scalability testing

Scalability testing is testing performed
in order to enhanced and improve the
functional and performance capabilities of
the application. So that, application 
can meets requirements of the end users.
• The scalability measurements is done by 
doing the evaluating the application 
performance in load and stress conditions.
Now depending upon this evaluation, we 
improve and enhanced the capabilities of the application.
Posted by: Guest on January-28-2021

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