Answers for "methods in the class characters"


methods in the class characters

public static char toUpperCase(char argument) \\ returns upper case
 of letter

public static char toLowerCase(char argument) \\ returns lower case
 of letter

public static boolean isUpperCase(char argument) \\ returns true if it is an uppercase letter else returns false

public static boolean isLowerCase(char argument) 
\\ returns true if it is an Lowercase letter else returns false
public static boolean is lower case char argument

public static iswhitespace(char argument) 
\\returns true if the argument is a whitespace carrier otherwise returns false. a white space character is either a space character tab character (‘\t’), and the line break character (‘\n’)

public static isLetter(char argument) 
\\returns true if the argument is a letter otherwise returns false

public static isDigit(char argument) 
\\returns true if the argument is a digit otherwise returns false

public static isLetterOrDigit(char argument) 
\\returns true if the argument is a letter or a digit otherwise returns false
Posted by: Guest on October-14-2021

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