Given a set of candidate numbers A and a target number B, find all unique combinations in A where the candidate numbers sums to B. The same repeated number may be chosen from A unlimited number of times.
# Python3 program to find all combinations that
# sum to a given value
def combinationSum(arr, sum):
ans = []
temp = []
# first do hashing nothing but set{}
# since set does not always sort
# removing the duplicates using Set and
# Sorting the List
arr = sorted(list(set(arr)))
findNumbers(ans, arr, temp, sum, 0)
return ans
def findNumbers(ans, arr, temp, sum, index):
if(sum == 0):
# Adding deep copy of list to ans
# Iterate from index to len(arr) - 1
for i in range(index, len(arr)):
# checking that sum does not become negative
if(sum - arr[i]) >= 0:
# adding element which can contribute to
# sum
findNumbers(ans, arr, temp, sum-arr[i], i)
# removing element from list (backtracking)
# Driver Code
arr = [2, 4, 6, 8]
sum = 8
ans = combinationSum(arr, sum)