Answers for "react-native-vector-icons unrecognized font family"


Unrecognized font family 'Octicons'

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'

Posted by: Guest on September-15-2020

react-native-vector-icons unrecognized font family

Easy/Working solution 2021. React Native 0.64. XCode 12+

Add these lines in ios/<ProjectName>/Info.plist. Rebuild ios app. that's it!

Posted by: Guest on July-28-2021

react-native-vector-icons unrecognized font family

On Android it takes the name of the file and you are done. On iOS however it is a bit more complex.

There are a few steps you should take:

1) Double check the font files are included in the Target in XCode
2) Make sure they are included in the step "Copy Bundle Resources" (add files, not folders)
3) Include them in the Info.plist of the app
4) Find the name of the Font through FontBook or with some log statements in your AppDelegate

Explained in more detail here:

Good luck!
Posted by: Guest on July-28-2021

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