Answers for "how to remove an IP from fail2ban"


how to remove an IP from fail2ban

How to unban an IP in Fail2ban?
1) Check if IP address is blocked. Fail2ban uses iptables to block the
	iptables -n -L | grep <IP Address>
2) Check the Fail2ban log. Fail2ban log on the server is at /var/log/fail2ban.
	cat /var/log/fail2ban.log | grep <IP Address>
3) Get Jail name of blocked IP address. Next step is to confirm the jail
name for this IP address is in.
	fail2ban-client status
4) Unban the IP address.
	In Fail2ban version(before v0.8.8):
    	fail2ban-client get yourjailname actionunban youripaddress
            	fail2ban-client get ssh actionunban
    In Fail2ban version v0.8.8 or later:
    	fail2ban-client set yourjailname unbanip youripaddress
            	fail2ban-client set ssh unbanip
Posted by: Guest on April-15-2021

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