linux vi
Use Vim instead of Vi. Vim is easier to use.
vi usage
From Command Mode
e Move to end of current word
$ Move to end of current line
^ Move to beginning of current line
+ Move to beginning of next line
- Move to beginning of previous line
G Go to last line of the file
:n Go to line with this number (:10 goes to line 10)
<Ctrl>d Scroll down one-half screen
<Ctrl>u Scroll up one-half screen
<Ctrl>f Scroll forward one full screen
<Ctrl>b Scroll backward one full screen
) Move to the next sentence
( Move to the previous sentence
} Move to the next paragraph
{ Move to the previous paragraph
H Move to the top line of the screen
M Move to the middle line of the screen
L Move to the last line of the screen
% Move to matching bracket: ( { [ ] } )
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