Answers for "when to automate"


how to decide automation

1 If the execution of the test is periodic and
    should start always run at a specified time and
    produce reports, like our smoke test
	2. If the test case includes detailed calculations
    and therefore is open to human error
	3. If the test case is retrieving and
    validating huge amount of data set
	4. If the execution of the test requires too much time,
    too many repetitions with different approaches
    so that test coverage can be maximized.
	5. If the feature is connected somehow to
    the other upcoming features and therefore
    will be need to be tested again
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

when to automate

We can't and shouldn't automate every test case
I would choose automation over manual
-If it is repetitive like data driven
test cases that are supposed to be tested against
multiple test data.
-If the test cases are high priority test cases
-If the functionality is critical functionality
-If the test cases are too long and too difficult to execute.
-I would automate smoke test cases and also
-I would automate regression test cases as much as possible
based on the priority
Posted by: Guest on January-06-2021

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