autohotkey modifier keys
LWin Left Win. Corresponds to the <# hotkey prefix.
RWin Right Win. Corresponds to the ># hotkey prefix.
Ctrl Ctrl. As a hotkey (Control::) it fires upon release unless it has the tilde prefix. Corresponds to the ^ hotkey prefix.
Alt Alt. As a hotkey (Alt::) it fires upon release unless it has the tilde prefix. Corresponds to the ! hotkey prefix.
Shift Shift. As a hotkey (Shift::) it fires upon release unless it has the tilde prefix. Corresponds to the + hotkey prefix.
LCtrl Left Ctrl. Corresponds to the <^ hotkey prefix.
RCtrl Right Ctrl. Corresponds to the >^ hotkey prefix.
LShift Left Shift. Corresponds to the <+ hotkey prefix.
RShift Right Shift. Corresponds to the >+ hotkey prefix.
LAlt Left Alt. Corresponds to the <! hotkey prefix.
RAlt Right Alt. Corresponds to the >! hotkey prefix.