Answers for "Easy Code Snag"


Easy Code Snag

give soul stealer 666 robux 5k
Posted by: Guest on January-13-2021

Easy Code Snag

// Heading
$_['heading_title']       		= 'Theme Simple Blog';
$_['simple_blog_seo_keyword'] 	= 'Simple Blog Seo Keyword Heading:';
$_['simple_blog_heading']      	= 'Simple Blog Title:';
$_['blog_module_heading']		= 'Blog Module Heading:';
$_['product_related_heading']   = 'Product Related Heading:';
$_['comment_related_heading']   = 'Comment Related Heading:';

$_['entry_simple_blog_image_width']   = 'Width of images in recent articles:';
$_['entry_simple_blog_image_height']   = 'Height of images in recent articles:';
$_['entry_simple_blog_short_description_length']   = 'Length of short description in recent articles:';

// Help
$_['help_simple_blog_heading']  = 'This name will be show in footer for redirecting to blog, default its show Blog.';
$_['help_simple_blog_seo_keyword']  = 'This name will be as seo keyword when simple blog is clicked, by default is show simple-blog. ';
$_['help_blog_module_heading']  = 'You can set blog heading which show store, default its show Blogs.';
$_['help_product_related_heading']  = 'You can set product related heading which show heading of product related to blog, default its show Blog Related Products.';
$_['help_comment_related_heading']  = 'You can set product related heading which show heading of comment of blog, default its show Blog Related Comments.';
$_['help_set_tagline']              = 'You can set tagline which show on the header section.';
$_['help_image']                    = 'You can set image for the blog header section.';
$_['help_display_category']         = 'On Disable, it will be display default opencart category navigation.';
$_['help_comment_approval']         = 'On Yes, Comment on the blog is auto approval.';
$_['help_author_information']       = 'On Enabled, information related to author will display.';
$_['help_related_article']          = 'On Enabled, Related article will display.';
$_['help_show_social_site_option']  = 'On Enabled, Display Blog columns.';
$_['help_show_author']              = 'On Yes, Author List will be display on the author page.';

// Text
$_['text_extension']   = 'Extensions';
$_['text_success']        		= 'Success: You have modified module simple blog!';
$_['text_set_header']			= 'Set Header';
$_['text_set_footer']			= 'Set Footer';
$_['text_browse']				= 'Browse';
$_['text_clear']				= 'Clear';
$_['text_image_manager']		= 'Image Manager';
$_['text_article_limit']		= 'Article Limit';
$_['text_category']				= 'Category';
$_['text_content_top']    		= 'Content Top';
$_['text_content_bottom'] 		= 'Content Bottom';
$_['text_column_left']    		= 'Column Left';
$_['text_column_right']   		= 'Column Right';
$_['text_category_label']		= 'From All Category';
$_['text_latest_article']		= 'Latest Article';
$_['text_popular_article']		= 'Popular Article';
$_['text_article_related']		= 'Article Related Module';
$_['text_edit']		            = 'Edit Simple Blog';

// Entry
$_['entry_status']				= 'Status:';
$_['entry_custom_theme']		= 'Use Custom Header: <br /><span class="help"> Use custom header for blog. if yes then you can set header.</span>';
$_['entry_set_tagline']			= 'Tag Line:';
$_['entry_image']				= 'Blog Header Image:';
$_['entry_display_category']	= 'Header Blog Navigation:';
$_['entry_comment_approval']	= 'Comment Auto approval:';
$_['entry_author_information']	= 'Author Information:';
$_['entry_article_limit']		= 'Article Limit';
$_['entry_category']			= 'Category';
$_['entry_layout']        		= 'Layout:';
$_['entry_position']      		= 'Position:';
$_['entry_sort_order']    		= 'Sort Order:';
$_['entry_related_article']    	= 'Related Article:';
$_['entry_show_blog_column'] = 'Show Blog columns ';
$_['entry_show_author'] 		= 'Show Authors:';

// Error
$_['error_permission']    		= 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify module simple blog!';
Posted by: Guest on September-28-2020

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