Answers for "best programming languages to learn 2021"


best programming language to learn 2021

Don't think much! Just pic a language and START!,
Allmost all languages work on same fundamentals, if you somewhat master one
language, it will be 100 Times easy to learn other langauages!
Posted by: Guest on May-24-2021

the best programming language in 2021

1) Python
2) JavaScript
3) Java
4) C/C++
5) C#
6) Golang
7) R
8) PHP
9) Swift
10) Kotlin
Posted by: Guest on February-16-2021

best programming language

There are no "best programming language". 
Start with what you want to make and google "best programming language for
{the thing you want to create}"
Posted by: Guest on November-21-2020

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