Answers for "Usando ImageSequenceClip para criar clip de imagens"


Usando ImageSequenceClip para criar clip de imagens

def create_video_from_images(video_output_name, image_input_dir, frame_rate=30.0, image_file_extension='png'):
    Creates an MP4 video from the images in a given directory.

        video_output_name (string): The full path and name of the output video
            excluding the file extension. The output video will be in MP4 format.
        image_input_dir (string): The directory that contains the input images.
        frame_rate (float, optional): The number of frames per second.
        image_file_extension: The file extension of the source images. Only images
            with a matching file extension will be included in the video.
            Defaults to 'png'.

    image_paths = glob(os.path.join(image_input_dir, '*.' + image_file_extension))
    image_paths = sorted(image_paths)

    video = ImageSequenceClip(image_paths, fps=frame_rate)
Posted by: Guest on July-21-2021

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