Answers for "sans serif meaning"


sans serif meaning

------ Serif ------

What is a serif font? This typeface is recognizable by the little
lines or strokes that extend from letters. As you can see in the
text above, the "i" and "f" have distinguishable feet. The "S"
also extends down and up at the ends.

------ Sans Serif ------

Sans serif typefaces are considered more modern than serif typefaces.
They lack the strokes that distinguish a serif typeface, hence the 
use of the French word "sans," which means “without.” Sans serif 
typefaces are often used to signify something clean, minimal, friendly,
or modern.

Some of the most popular sans serif typefaces are Arial, Helvetica,
Open Sans, Calibri, and Verdana. Sans serif fonts are often used on
the web for large groups of text because of the lower DPI (dots per inch) 
that screens have compared to print. Sans serif fonts are generally 
easier for children to read because they're simpler.
Posted by: Guest on May-18-2021

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