godot http request
func _ready():
# Create an HTTP request node and connect its completion signal.
var http_request = HTTPRequest.new()
http_request.connect("request_completed", self, "_http_request_completed")
# Perform a GET request. The URL below returns JSON as of writing.
var error = http_request.request("https://httpbin.org/get")
if error != OK:
push_error("An error occurred in the HTTP request.")
# Perform a POST request. The URL below returns JSON as of writing.
# Note: Don't make simultaneous requests using a single HTTPRequest node.
# The snippet below is provided for reference only.
var body = {"name": "Godette"}
error = http_request.request("https://httpbin.org/post", [], true, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, body)
if error != OK:
push_error("An error occurred in the HTTP request.")
# Called when the HTTP request is completed.
func _http_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body):
var response = parse_json(body.get_string_from_utf8())
# Will print the user agent string used by the HTTPRequest node (as recognized by httpbin.org).