power bi show different columns for different staff over time
1. Create a new table containing all the names of the columns you want
to switch between (Eg. Leads, Proposals, etc.) in a single column.
2. Create slicers for the Staff list, Date, and the new Column Table.
3. Create a new Measure as follows:
Data Switch =
VAR Category = SELECTEDVALUE('Column_Table'[SelectorColumn])
Category = "Leads", 'Lead Data - Live'[Total Lead Value] ,
Category = "Proposals", 'Quote & Comparison - Live'[Proposals Value] ,
Category = "Sales", 'Confirmed Interested - Live'[Sales Value] ,
Category = "Received", 'Applications Received - Live'[Apps Received Value], 0)
where the second half of the expression is the value you want to display
from each table
4. Create a line chart with your
o Calendar as the x-axis
o Staff member list as the Legend
o New measure (Data Switch) as the Values