Answers for "LaTeX make specific table row bold"


LaTeX make specific table row bold


\newcommand\setrow[1]{\gdef\rowmac{#1}#1\ignorespaces} 	% Custom row macro
\newcommand\clearrow{\global\let\rowmac\relax} 			% Custom macro ender


\begin{tabular}{>{\rowmac}c|>{\rowmac}c|>{\rowmac}c<{\clearrow}} % Set up macro in table column formatting
a & b & c\\
\setrow{\bfseries}d & e & f\\ 		% Call macro to bold specific row
e & f& g\\
h & i & j\\
\setrow{\itshape} k & l & m\\ 		% Call macro to italic specific row
n & o & p

Posted by: Guest on August-19-2021

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