Answers for "how to add answer to grepper"


add grepper answer manually

// If the "add answer" button isn't showing:
// Simply press "a" on your keyboard after searching your question! :)
Posted by: Guest on May-18-2020

how to make a grepper answer

Hello here is me making a random grepper answer:
Posted by: Guest on November-28-2020

how to add answer to grepper

// how to find out which shell is running.

ps -p $$ – Display your current shell name reliably

echo "$SHELL" – Print the shell for the current user but not necessarily the shell that is running at the movement.

echo $0 – Another reliable and simple method to get the current shell interpreter name on Linux or Unix-like systems.

readlink /proc/$$/exe – Another option to get the current shell name reliably on Linux operating systems.

cat /etc/shells – List pathnames of valid login shells currently installed

grep "^$USER" /etc/passwd – Print the default shell name. The default shell runs when you open a terminal window.

chsh -s /bin/ksh – Change the shell used from /bin/bash (default) to /bin/ksh for your account
Posted by: Guest on May-24-2021

how to add answer to grepper

Install / Uninstall gimp:

    For Ubuntu 18.04, this PPA contains the most recent FFmpeg
    libraries copied from Jonathon F's PPA.

    To install, run command:

       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp

       sudo apt update

       sudo apt install gimp

    To uninstall, run commands:

       sudo apt install ppa-purge

       sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp
Posted by: Guest on May-17-2021

grepper add code answer

Cakephp 3 image upload with thumbnail and resize image

check Tables if its AllowEmptyString or AllowEmptyFile

check Form Control Create Type File is it exist?

if (!empty($this->request->data['id_front_side']['name'])) {
                $fileName = $this->request->data['id_front_side']['name']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                $id_front_side = $fileName;

                $extm = substr(strtolower(strrchr($fileName, '.')), 1); //get the extension
                $arr_extm = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'); //set allowed extensions
                if (in_array($extm, $arr_extm)) {
                    $uploadPath = WWW_ROOT . DS . 'images' . DS . 'organisations' . DS . $id . DS . 'media'. DS;

                    $uploadFile = $uploadPath . $fileName;
                    if(!is_dir($uploadPath)) {

                    $auto = $this->generateRandomString(6);
                    $files_image = 'product_' . $auto . '_' . $id . '_' . $fileName;

                    $test = $uploadPath. $files_image;

                    // move_uploaded_file($this->request->data['id_front_side']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile);
                    move_uploaded_file($this->request->data['id_front_side']['tmp_name'], $test );
                    $this->request->data['id_front_side'] = $test;

                    $source_image =  $test;
                    $destination_thumb_path = $uploadPath. DS . 'small' . DS . $files_image;
                    $destination_thumb_path1 = $uploadPath . DS . 'large' . DS . $files_image;
                    // $directory = new Folder();
                    $this->imageresize2($source_image, $destination_thumb_path, 270, 320, 1);
                    $this->imageresize2($source_image, $destination_thumb_path1, 500, 500, 1);

    public function imageresize2($src, $dst, $width, $height, $crop = 0)

        if (!list($w, $h) = getimagesize($src)) return "Unsupported picture type!";

        $type = strtolower(substr(strrchr($src, "."), 1));
        if ($type == 'jpeg') $type = 'jpg';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'bmp':
                $img = imagecreatefromwbmp($src);
            case 'gif':
                $img = imagecreatefromgif($src);
            case 'jpg':
                $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
            case 'png':
                $img = imagecreatefrompng($src);
                return "Unsupported picture type!";

        // resize
        if ($crop) {
            if ($w < $width or $h < $height) return false;
            $ratio = max($width / $w, $height / $h);
            $h = $height / $ratio;
            $x = ($w - $width / $ratio) / 2;
            $w = $width / $ratio;
        } else {
            if ($w < $width and $h < $height) return false;
            $ratio = min($width / $w, $height / $h);
            $width = $w * $ratio;
            $height = $h * $ratio;
            $x = 0;

        $new = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

        // preserve transparency
        if ($type == "gif" or $type == "png") {
            imagecolortransparent($new, imagecolorallocatealpha($new, 0, 0, 0, 127));
            imagealphablending($new, false);
            imagesavealpha($new, true);

        imagecopyresampled($new, $img, 0, 0, $x, 0, $width, $height, $w, $h);

        switch ($type) {
            case 'bmp':
                imagewbmp($new, $dst);
            case 'gif':
                imagegif($new, $dst);
            case 'jpg':
                imagejpeg($new, $dst);
            case 'png':
                imagepng($new, $dst);
        return true;

    public function generateRandomString($length = null)
        return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($x = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ceil($length / strlen($x)))), 1, $length);
Posted by: Guest on May-12-2021

grepper best answer

python Flask
Posted by: Guest on May-29-2021

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