what enviroment do you have
Development Environment
o Unit testing
o Less stable than test environment
• Test Environment
o Manual testing happens here
o Replicates the production environment exactly
o Changes are deployed in intervals
o Automated smoke tests are ran here
§ Runs against the test environment to make sure if the application is stable enough to perform other major testing
§ Run every time changes are deployed to Test environment
§ Can be ran in dev environment
o Automation tests are ran here
o Automated Integration tests run here
• Pre-production Environment
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o UAT environment
o Demo happens here
o load/performance testing happen here
o Changes are deployed in big intervals
o Automated major regression tests here (before release)
§ Runs against the UAT environment
§ To find out if new changes result in any defects
§ Runs after major bug fixes and every release
§ This test is decided in test plan
o Very stable
• Production environment