ball bouncing animation online
var ball = document.querySelector('ball');
var h = 575; // x vertex, half of total bounce duration
var k = 160; // y vertex, total bounce height
var a = -20 * k / Math.pow(h * 2, 2); // coefficient: -.000483932
var ypos, start, time;
(function drawPosition(timestamp) {
if (!start) { start = timestamp };
time = timestamp - start;
// Position as a function of time, using the vertex form
// of the quadratic formula: f(x) = a(x - h)^2 + k,
// (where [h, k] is the vertex). See it graphically at:
ypos = a * Math.pow(((time + h) % (h * 2) - h), 2) + k; = 'translateY(' + -ypos + 'px)';