Answers for "Slack Secondary Attachment"


Slack Secondary Attachment

    "channel": "ABCDEBF1",
    "attachments": [
	        "mrkdwn_in": ["text"],
            "color": "#36a64f",
            "pretext": "Optional pre-text that appears above the attachment block",
            "author_name": "author_name",
            "author_link": "",
            "author_icon": "",
            "title": "title",
            "title_link": "",
            "text": "Optional `text` that appears within the attachment",
            "fields": [
                    "title": "A field's title",
                    "value": "This field's value",
                    "short": false
                    "title": "A short field's title",
                    "value": "A short field's value",
                    "short": true
                    "title": "A second short field's title",
                    "value": "A second short field's value",
                    "short": true
            "thumb_url": "",
            "footer": "footer",
            "footer_icon": "",
            "ts": 123456789
Posted by: Guest on September-08-2021

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