begin proc near means
BEGIN PROC NEAR ;The directives PROC and ENDP are used to define a label for a
;sequence of machine instructions called a procedure.
;NEAR: Defines a near procedure.
;A near call refers a procedure which is in the same code segment.
;It is also called Inter-segment call A Near Call replaces the old
;IP with new IP.
;The call instruction calls near procedures using a full pointer.
;call rel{16|32} adds a signed offset to address of the instruction
;following the call instruction to determine the destination;
;that is, the displacement is relative to the next instruction.
;PROC directive stores the contents of the register in the stack.
;The directive is used along with the name of the procedure to
;indicate the end of a procedure to the assembler. The directive,
;together with the procedure directive, PROC, is used to “bracket”
;a procedure.