| Tables | Are | Cool ||----------|:-------------:|------:|| col 1 is | left-aligned |$1600|| col 2 is | centered |$12|| col 3 is | right-aligned |$1|
An amazing website for building a table in markdown:
Prints general help information, or specific usage information of a functionif provided
:param function: an optional function"""
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
# Check whether the request is for some specific function#if function is not None:# print_md(self.function.__doc__)# If not then offer the general help menu#else:print_md("### Help Menu")
print_md("You can use the system through an **API** object. API objects are returned""by the *init_system* function, so you can get one by doing:")
print_md("***your_api_object = init_system('path_to_stored_model')***")
print_md("Once you have access to an API object there are a few concepts that are useful ""to use the API. **content** refers to actual values of a given field. For ""example, if you have a table with an attribute called __Name__ and values *Olu, Mike, Sam*, content ""refers to the actual values, e.g. Mike, Sam, Olu.")
print_md("**schema** refers to the name of a given field. In the previous example, schema refers to the word""__Name__ as that's how the field is called.")
print_md("Finally, **entity** refers to the *semantic type* of the content. This is in experimental state. For ""the previous example it would return *'person'* as that's what those names refer to.")
print_md("Certain functions require a *field* as input. In general a field is specified by the source name (""e.g. table name) and the field name (e.g. attribute name). For example, if we are interested in ""finding content similar to the one of the attribute *year* in the table *Employee* we can provide ""the field in the following way:")
"field = ('Employee', 'year') # field = [<source_name>, <field_name>)")
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