Answers for "Unity Spawn objects along the Animation curve"


Unity Spawn objects along the Animation curve

using UnityEngine;

public class ArcGenerator : MonoBehaviour
    private AnimationCurve curve;

    private GameObject objectToSpawn;

    private Vector3 start;

    [Range(1, 100)]
    private float curveLength;

    [Range(2, 100)]
    private int spawnCount;

    [Range(1, 100)]
    private float heightMultiplier;

    private void Start()
        for (int i = 0; i < spawnCount; ++i)
            float deltaSpawn = i / (float)spawnCount;

            GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(objectToSpawn);
            go.transform.position = new Vector3(
                Mathf.Lerp(start.x, start.x + curveLength, deltaSpawn),
                start.y + (curve.Evaluate(deltaSpawn) * heightMultiplier),
Posted by: Guest on June-17-2021

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