Answers for "????ip l2tp add tunnel"


????ip l2tp add tunnel

Setup L2TP tunnels and sessions
       site-A:# ip l2tp add tunnel tunnel_id 3000 peer_tunnel_id 4000 \
                  encap udp local remote \
                  udp_sport 5000 udp_dport 6000
       site-A:# ip l2tp add session tunnel_id 3000 session_id 1000 \
                  peer_session_id 2000

       site-B:# ip l2tp add tunnel tunnel_id 4000 peer_tunnel_id 3000 \
                  encap udp local remote \
                  udp_sport 6000 udp_dport 5000
       site-B:# ip l2tp add session tunnel_id 4000 session_id 2000 \
                  peer_session_id 1000

       site-A:# ip link set l2tpeth0 up mtu 1488

       site-B:# ip link set l2tpeth0 up mtu 1488

       Notice that the IP addresses, UDP ports and tunnel / session ids
       are matched and reversed at each site.

   Configure as IP interfaces
       The two interfaces can be configured with IP addresses if only IP
       data is to be carried. This is perhaps the simplest

       site-A:# ip addr add peer dev l2tpeth0

       site-B:# ip addr add peer dev l2tpeth0

       site-A:# ping

       Now the link should be usable. Add static routes as needed to
       have data sent over the new link.

   Configure as bridged interfaces
       To carry non-IP data, the L2TP network interface is added to a
       bridge instead of being assigned its own IP address, using
       standard Linux utilities. Since raw ethernet frames are then
       carried inside the tunnel, the MTU of the L2TP interfaces must be
       set to allow space for those headers.

       site-A:# ip link set l2tpeth0 up mtu 1446
       site-A:# ip link add br0 type bridge
       site-A:# ip link set l2tpeth0 master br0
       site-A:# ip link set eth0 master br0
       site-A:# ip link set br0 up

       If you are using VLANs, setup a bridge per VLAN and bridge each
       VLAN over a separate L2TP session. For example, to bridge VLAN ID
       5 on eth1 over an L2TP pseudowire:

       site-A:# ip link set l2tpeth0 up mtu 1446
       site-A:# ip link add brvlan5 type bridge
       site-A:# ip link set l2tpeth0.5 master brvlan5
       site-A:# ip link set eth1.5 master brvlan5
       site-A:# ip link set brvlan5 up
       site-A:# modprobe nf_defrag_ipv4

       site-B:# modprobe nf_defrag_ipv4

       If L2TP is being used over IPv6, use the IPv6 defrag module.
Posted by: Guest on July-04-2021

????ip l2tp add tunnel

ip-l2tp - L2TPv3 static unmanaged tunnel configuration
Posted by: Guest on July-04-2021

????ip l2tp add tunnel

ip [ OPTIONS ] l2tp  { COMMAND | help }

       ip l2tp add tunnel
               remote ADDR local ADDR
               tunnel_id ID peer_tunnel_id ID
               [ encap { ip | udp } ]
               [ udp_sport PORT  ] [ udp_dport PORT  ]
               [ udp_csum { on | off } ]
               [ udp6_csum_tx { on | off } ]
               [ udp6_csum_rx { on | off } ]
       ip l2tp add session [ name NAME  ]
               tunnel_id ID session_id ID peer_session_id ID
               [ cookie HEXSTR  ] [ peer_cookie HEXSTR  ]
               [ l2spec_type { none | default } ]
               [ seq { none | send | recv | both } ]
       ip l2tp del tunnel tunnel_id ID
       ip l2tp del session tunnel_id ID session_id ID
       ip l2tp show tunnel [ tunnel_id ID ]
       ip l2tp show session [ tunnel_id ID.B ] [ session_id ID ]
       NAME := STRING
       ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any }
       PORT := { NUMBER }
       ID := { NUMBER }
       HEXSTR := { 8 or 16 hex digits (4 / 8 bytes) }
Posted by: Guest on July-04-2021

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