Answers for "Tips for competitive and interview questions"


Tips for competitive and interview questions

If input array is sorted then
- Binary search
- Two pointers

If asked for all permutations/subsets then
- Backtracking

If given a tree then

If given a graph then

If given a linked list then
- Two pointers

If recursion is banned then
- Stack

If must solve in-place then
- Swap corresponding values
- Store one or more different values in the same pointer

If asked for maximum/minumum subarray/subset/options then
- Dynamic programming

If asked for top/least K items then
- Heap

If asked for common strings then
- Map
- Trie

- Map/Set for O(1) time & O(n) space
- Sort input for O(nlogn) time and O(1) space
Posted by: Guest on July-18-2021

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