generate a rocket using openSCAD
// increase the visual detail
$fn = 100;
// the main body :
// a cylinder
rocket_d = 30; // 3 cm wide
rocket_r = rocket_d / 2;
rocket_h = 100; // 10 cm tall
cylinder(d = rocket_d, h = rocket_h);
// the head :
// a cone
head_d = 40; // 4 cm wide
head_r = head_d / 2;
head_h = 40; // 4 cm tall
// prepare a triangle
tri_base = head_r;
tri_height = head_h;
tri_points = [[0, 0],
[tri_base, 0],
[0, tri_height]];
// rotation around X-axis and then 360° around Z-axis
// put it on top of rocket's body
rotate_extrude(angle = 360)
// the wings :
// 3x triangles
wing_w = 2; // 2 mm thick
many = 3; // 3x wings
wing_l = 40; // length
wing_h = 40; // height
wing_points = [[0,0],[wing_l,0],[0,wing_h]];
module wing() {
// let it a bit inside the main body
in_by = 1; // 1 mm
// set it up on the rocket's perimeter
translate([rocket_r - in_by,0,0])
// set it upright by rotating around X-axis
// set some width and center it
linear_extrude(height = wing_w,center = true)
// make a triangle
for (i = [0: many - 1])
rotate([0, 0, 360 / many * i])