ups without diamention charges
// show firestore data basing on collection name as blocks
[firestore_blocks class='your-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,description,more' images='url']
// In order to sort the data, you can add order_by. For example, this will order by title - descendant. You can also combine the orders: `order_by='title|asc,description|desc'`
// If you want to limit amount of data, you can add limit=<NUMBER>
// Generate a link to a child page by adding "child_page" & "child_page_target_field"
[firestore_blocks class='your-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,description,more' images='url' order_by='title|DESC' limit=10 child_page='' child_page_target_field='title']
I suggest that you also add this shortcode to show any error when retriving data:
[firebase_error class='your-class-name'][/firebase_error]